Designing for, reflecting on, human experience.

The WIP* digital garden of Jen Goertzen.

Winter 2025

Season of long shadows.

It’s the season of biting winds outside and “hibernation projects” inside. I’m revelling in a properly cold winter in my new home in Montréal as well as challenging new work with my new team at Parsnip. There’s a lot that’s new, but all of it feels familiar and like I’m back in my own skin (whilst wrapped up in a scarf).

As I get into this winter rhythm, I’m reflecting a lot on this website and what I wanted from it, why I designed it the way that I did. I hope to share more of this soon and either add more to this space or perhaps even take some away.

Illustration of a person standing in snow, their shadow falls long, long away from them. Birch trees stand nearby with long shadows like blue ribbons on snow.


Reflections on design, design in life, and life in design. Ranging from first scribbles to thoroughly edited drafts.

Projects, lists, outlines

Logs and snapshots of parts of my work and world, standalone but hopefully never static.

“Up to speed” book


Some books I’ve read, recommended, and abandoned.

Words Are My Matter

Words Are My Matter

Ursula K. Le Guin

Braiding Sweetgrass

Braiding Sweetgrass

Robin Wall Kimmerer

The Wild Places

The Wild Places

Robert MacFarlane

Dare to Lead

Dare to Lead

Brené Brown

English Pastoral: An Inheritance

English Pastoral: An Inheritance

James Rebanks

East of Eden

East of Eden

John Steinbeck

Bird By Bird

Bird By Bird

Anne Lamott

Sea of Tranquility

Sea of Tranquility

Emily St. John Mandel

* Welcome to my work in progress.

You may have noticed there is more promise of content than actual content. I’m trying a new approach to this website where I’m sharing pieces sooner, even when incomplete—website included. I hope you’ll come back to see how it’s grown.


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A design consultancy called Caribou.

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